Friday Vernes!/Slice of Life

Hi guys and today this blog is gonna be special because we haveeeeee FRIDAY Vernes yayyy sorry I'm to excited let start. First of all my Week went great I made a lemonade stand for the We Movement and made 30$ , Also me and my friend are making a bake sale for our neighbors and they get 20%off . News this week so this sick young boy needed a kidney after 11 years he has a kidney because of his dad. Also Jimmy Kimmel son is sick when he was young and Kimmel spoke out at his show strongly. Jimmy 😔 I feel you.Alsoooo Logan Paul just hit 12 mil Subscribers which is a huge accomplishment also before that he hit 10 mil in a year Logang you strong thank you and have a great weekend!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for your post this week! This was a great first slice of life post.


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